Thursday, October 28, 2010

I Must Have Misread the Directions...

So I’m supposed to say something here… wait… this doesn’t look right. No, this really, really doesn’t look right. Did I get turned around somehow? I must have misread the signs...weird...

Great, I’m in the wrong blog. That’s why this feels wrong. If I remember correctly, the good characters’ blog is friendly and welcoming and nice and that’s where I’m supposed to be. This one is all dark and angry and filled with people who want to kill other people. People like me.

How did I end up here?

Maybe I’m dreaming. Ha! That’s it! I’m just dreamwalking… in a blog. Though the evil blog is rather similar to the dreamworld. Filled with darkness, danger, and things that want to kill you.

I wonder if Kara made this happen. Evil Fae trying to force me to choose her side. Ridiculous. Well, it didn’t work, do you hear me? IT DIDN’T WORK!

I need to get out of here. Before someone notices that I’m in the wrong blog…

But, hey, I have a question for all of you magical, evil lords and ladies and… things… of darkness, at least while I’m here. I may never get another chance.

How many of you consider yourselves evil and how many of you think that you’re actually doing the right thing?

How many of you even care?

I’d just like to get an answer from you on what is going inside your scary, scary heads and why you feel so compelled to squash innocent folk like myself as you go about your evil business? I’m not doing anyone any harm, but does that matter?

Of course, if I was doing anyone any harm, I’d belong here, wouldn’t I?

Hey, is Alec here? Now, that would be funny… and it would make a lot of sense too.

Okay, I’m leaving. Something just blinked at me. Well, that makes sense. The evil one-eyed pitchfork from my nightmare is here. I’m sure it feels right at home. Farewell, pitchfork. Ha, you didn’t get me this time either!

And now it’s chasing me. Goodbye, evil people! I hope I never see you again!


  1. Heh, heheheh, one more over eager little kid to hunt down and play with.
    Yeah, I'm evil, actually I'm a #@$%@&*, well technically I'm not but you know.
    I'm okay with it.

  2. I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not here to kill anyone, nor to hurt anyone. My people worship me because I protect them, I provide for them, I bless them with powers of magic. I am their god and they are my people, what I say is good, is good, and what I say is evil, is evil.

  3. I will not harm you, I am not wicked, all that I have done I have done for the good of my people from the Nokowo.

  4. That's what I thought. Insane, every last one of you.

  5. Heh yeah you're probably right on both accounts- although you might say that our being here at all is an indication that at least someone thinks we're evil.

    Not that you could get most of us here to see that- kind of goes with the territory.

    As for me- hmmm I'm sure I do good things SOME times- that has to count for something, doesn't it? Oh! I saved the soul of a dying woman and fused her with a puppet, does that count? Hmm... but then some might say I was effectively responsible for her death- it was my siege catapult that crushed her house when it fell over- and she might not actually like being a puppet that much... or the experiments... WELL I'll think of something.
