Fools, like my dear little Finnias, who feel themselves invincible are much less dangerous than the wise who understand their vulnerabilities. And we are all vulnerable in some form or another, either to each other or to our enemies. If I myself acquired this much power, then someone else can as well. They might even acquire more than I have, if I let them.
Therefore, you must give the people something they desire more than your own destruction, something they will pursue rather than you. You must give them an addiction, and enough hope that they will live to see that addiction fulfilled at least one more time. They will yearn, they will strive, they will kill, bleed, and die for it, and if you control what they “need”, you will in turn control them. The best puppets are the ones who never realize they are puppets at all.
There is no god but Relois.
There is no truth but Relois.
The Keeper is Relois and Relois is the Keeper.
To serve the Keeper is to serve Relois is the end of existence.
The gift of the Keeper to the Faithful will be Sufficient Moderation.
Sufficient Moderation will be achieved.
Feh! Nonsense! All of it! But with the proper application of fear and my chemical encouragement, they believe it!
Of course, there are times when “blatancy” is called for, but all too often for every one you kill, you awaken three others. Look carefully before you take such a risk. If you do not, rest assured that someone—possibly myself—will make you pay for your folly.
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Here's the problem Korluus, your talking about domination and calling it power.
ReplyDeleteIf I want to dominate someone, well I can do that just by talking to them. It's this little thing called magic, one of the neat little tricks is that it makes people want to obey me.
Power is not dominance, power is the ability to create change, to control change, and to do it for the rest of time and eternity.
And it is this lack of vision, my dear little Finnias, that relegates you to the ranks of the peons. You will always be nothing more than the plaything of your Atticus.
ReplyDeletePower leads to domination. Power is but the means to a much greater end. Desiring power for its own sake leads nowhere. It must be applied.
I feel strangely attracted . . .