I consider myself an expert of all things diabolical (after all, I have been at it for quite a while now), and so I'd like to take this time to offer some advice on a problem I'm sure is common to all here: meddlesome heros. Having a few good eggs here and there stirring up the pot is not always a terrible thing, of course- it can be quite fun to throw them into hopeless situations, just to see what they do- however, in my vast experience this is always a very delicate balancing act.
Be wary of the singular warrior of humble beginnings- many of the forces of good favor these, and so they may use them to orchestrate your downfall. Never underestimate your opponent, and always go for the kill. My brother's biggest mistake in his vengeance against me was allowing for the possibility that I might escape. Granted, the Norns foresaw that I would fight in the final battle, and so he could not have hoped to end me completely- but had Odin been even a little more clever about it, he might have eliminated me as a threat to his power until that fated day. This is a lesson to be learned, brothers and sisters: give not the vermin even an inkling of a chance.
Questions, comments, and snide remarks are welcome, as always. Please, let me know your process and methods, I'm sure we would all be grateful for the tips.
I've found that the best way to deal with heroes is to kill them early and often. Actually, if you get them while their innocents they make wonderful blood sacrifices for demonic powers, though the more powerful alien entities I've dealt with seem to prefer them as teenagers. I've never bothered to ask why.
ReplyDeleteI have found that "heroes" are best dealt with by preventative measures. You must find a balance between too much hope and complete hopelessness for your population. Too much and they will rise because they believe they can realize something better. Not enough and they will rise because they have nothing to lose.
ReplyDeleteI have applied that successfully enough that I have had no real hero rise is almost five hundred solar shifts.
Finnias- I had a feeling you and I would be on the same page on this! I've no use for sacrifices (being a god and all...) but perhaps I could find some other use for the bodies- puppetry maybe? This could be interesting.
ReplyDeleteKorluus- How prudent- I do wonder if you have ever considered a hypothetical strategy for dealing with the "underdog phenomenon", heroes popping up out of extenuating circumstances 'against all odds' and whatnot. It's quite annoying, I can tell you.
Hehe, puppetry could be interesting. I'm having visions of heroes massacring helpless villagers.