Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Pursuit of Perfection

I am Korluus, the Emerging, the Keeper of Relois.

I spoke recently of how power is useless without something to focus it upon. I have found that there is but one goal worthy of my own attention, and that is self-perfection.

I am from the greatest generation of Relois, the generation that discovered the highest truth and the ultimate end to existence—the evolution of humanity to perfection, to godhood itself. We learned of the great, progressive forces of the universe and how they drive us onward, ever onward to higher achievement.

I was foremost of that generation, because it was I who understood that if this force existed, it must mean that it was we who defined our gods—our gods did not define us. More importantly, if all of Relois could be brought to focus on the improvement of one of us, that one might in fact become deity itself. He could then raise the rest, the whole of Relois, and make of them a race of gods: creatures whose power and domination knew no bounds. More importantly, I knew that it must be myself who would bear this burden.

My fellow researchers did not understand this or see the issues with the same clarity. I tried to convince them that in the absence of an absolute moral standard, there could be no reason why we should not seize the creative power of the evolutionary process and use it to create new and better life. If there was no preset morality, then we can simply dictate our own form of virtue. If there were some sacrifices that must be made, so long as they came from the unenlightened rabble, why did it matter? What claim had they on life that we could not revoke?

My colleagues were not convinced with words. I had to resort to…other means…but they were convinced in the end.

And so my emergence began and continues. I am Korluus. I am becoming a god.

For an even more EVIL experience, download the podcast by clicking here!


  1. The pursuit of perfection is a worthy one, however it is not something which may be easily attained by mere mortals. You should honor your gods by requesting their help in attaining this perfection, then perhaps you would stand a chance of reaching your goal.

  2. Korluus, I am most impressed and intrigued by your methods. There is a cold calculation, an attention to detail which few men I have ever encountered are clear-headed enough to possess. I despise hot-headed fools who proceed without each step intricately detailed in advance. I applaud your skillful application of power.

  3. Abin-Thul--Our gods do not honor such requests. I believe that they fear a challenge to their own might, their own selfishly imposed sense of "good" and morality, one that speaks against the sorts of sacrifices I have made to even ascend this far. Therefore, I must reach my goal in spite of them, rather than through them.

    Alicia--You seem to have a far greater grasp on the ascent to domination through power than any. Your grasp of necessity is perhaps the equal to my own. What world do you come from? Perhaps, once I recreate our world key, you and I can form profitable partnership that will only begin with the domination of two worlds, instead of one.

  4. Feh. Perfection is overrated. Mortals who strive for it are amusing at best, and obnoxious at worst. Not that you're not welcome to try, but if your gods have any real power, they would simply crush you rather than deal with your "evolution" nonsense. Aside from that, if all of your kind are to become gods, then who will have the power? Surely you don't think that there will be no challenge to your throne- do you not intend to limit their growth, so as not to give them the chance?

  5. If your gods despise you, Korluus, then perhaps you are not worthy of the perfection you seek. Penitence and respect seem in order to gain the favor or your gods, perhaps then they will honor you.
