Sunday, September 26, 2010

Subtlety With the Ones You Loathe

Hello all,
I was working on a new inscription design for an Automated Life Extraction Centrifuge (for convenience, you see- battlefields can be hectic, and I'd like a simple solution for my energy needs) and it occurred to me to address the nature of my realm- that of the 9 worlds of Midgard. I myself once dwelt in the land of the Aesir, the gods of these worlds. My brother, Odin (the All-Father, Wise One, etc. etc.- he likes titles) rules the place, having set up a huge hall for himself and the other gods there to drink and argue and whatnot. They all hate me by now (not that they were ever very fond of me, mind you), and that doesn't bother me much. I never really fit in with that bunch. There wasn't much for me to live for there- I can thank dear brother Odin for that I suppose, and for my current lucidity of purpose. Perhaps I should tell you what happened, exactly...

Odin had a son, hansom and powerful Balder. His mother, Frigg, procured and oath from all things (not sure how she did it, but I believe it involved conference with all of the most powerful elementals of the 9 worlds). The host of the Aesir were gathered one day, throwing anything they could find at the kid- a good time was had by all (except me), and I was sick of it. I tricked blind Hod (lovably stupid and gullible as he is) to throw a spear at Balder, which just so happened to be made of mistletoe, which apparently was his only weakness (honestly, what a stupid thing to overlook, Frigg-), which stuck him right in the gut, ending the obnoxious little dandy right before everyone's eyes. So, understandably I admit, Odin was upset. I went to far on that one- and it cost me everything... my wife, my home, and hundreds of years to pain, but I gained clarity and insight. Surely, I consider myself better off in most regards, but this is a great example of a career-defining mistake- anyone else out there have one of those?

1 comment:

  1. Family are nothing more than a nuisance. You are far better without them.
