Wednesday, September 29, 2010

New Friends...Sort Of

Heh, well, maybe I can't get Atticus to post but I got someone to post. He's a little &$^# named Ivan, I had to post for him actually, he's over in the other blog though. I'm not sure what Carlos sees in that kid, no backbone at all, but then Carlos is an idiot so I guess I can't expect too much more. I read the punk's post on the good guy's blog. It's not like I care what Carlos does with his time, but seriously, I can't believe he took this kid on as an apprentice. I think I need to have a talk with him about the wisdom of his decisions. This kid sounds like a little too much of a straight arrow, trying to use magic to help people. Magic isn't for helping people, it's for making them obey you. Carlos says the kids pretty good, but I'm not seeing much with any kind of value here.
Maybe there's a way to find out...

1 comment:

  1. I would not be so quick to dismiss Carlos's choice. At times, it is strategic or even necessary to employ a fool for carrying out one's needs. Consider my use of Haden, for example. The man is a raving idiot, and yet he has accomplished many important details for me (unaware of my hand in it all, of course). I have wisely decided to no longer allow him to enter this forum, so I may speak more freely than before. As I earlier said, even the most ludicrous of idiots can at times be useful. It is important to remember to dispose of such pawns when one is finished with them, however, as they can become a liability otherwise.
